• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • AFGE does not fight back unless there is a political statement to be made. I was hired as a federal employee in 2023 and endured 6 months of rights violations, gaslighting from management, and incompetence from HR. When I made complaints, I was shitcanned. When I went to the union, I was told that they had no representation since the last president of the local resigned in 2022. I was told “arbitrations are expensive” when I filed grievances that the union refused to back. I was told “probationary employees have no rights” despite my union contract very much specifying otherwise. The ONLY reason AFGE is getting off its ass now is because AFGE as an organization is being threatened. They don’t care about their union members. They only care about their own fucking paycheck.

  • Swords are actually the only weapons specifically designed to kill people. Every other weapon used by humanity is or was a tool for another task at one point. Axes can be used to cut down trees, maces are just fancy hammers, and spears were the first real hunting tools for large game. Swords stand above all other weapons in that it’s use is specifically engineered to be as dangerous to humans as possible. It’s too long to be used effectively as a knife and too fragile to use as any other tool. It’s almost as dangerous to the person wielding it as the person it’s used on. It’s remarkable how every other killing tool used by man has other purposes, but the sword really has just the one.

  • Oh nooooo. The contract AFGE couldn’t be bothered to enforce while I was a federal employee. Its getting thrown out? Good thing you didn’t invest anything into fighting for your workers under the current contract so you have all this stockpiled capital to defend your do nothing jobs.

    Fuckem. Good riddance to a useless organization. I brought them every receipt they needed to nail the coast guard to the wall and they refused to stand for me. “Wasn’t in the budget” they told me. “Arbitration is expensive.” If rights only exist for the rich then they aren’t rights at all.

  • Good. Fuckem. As a former federal employee myself, I can say with confidence that I have never worked with a more worthless, self serving bunch of inept check collectors than I have trying to deal with federal employees from the inside. HR is completely ineffectual. Administration has its head so far up its own ass they can see teeth. IT is constantly isolated, discouraged, and blamed for inefficiency they can do nothing about. I was just a dumb dumb welder and even I was off put by how chaotic every day ended up being due to miscommunication and ineptitude. Unpaid OT, meal break violations, employee rights violations, its all there every day and nobody cares. When I spoke up about my experience, I was shitcanned for not shutting up and taking my lumps. When I went to the union, I was told they’re too poor to actually make waves. I hope every federal employee has a very nice get fucked for the rest of their careers in the government.

  • Jack Smith ran away and hid rather than fight. These employees kept quietly writing reports instead of moving forward with critical action. Hell, I’d even take a whistleblower. Are we seeing any of that? Ofc not. They’re all cowards carefully hired by further cowards precisely to protect their status quo.

    Source: i am a former federal employee whose rights were repeatedly violated and who was shitcanned when I made myself heard. Nobody is interested in pursuing my rights violations because nobody has jurisdiction over anyone else. Burn the whole system to the ground.