I’ll note that 2.5°C of warming by 2100 is a significant improvement over the trajectory we were on a decade ago, even if still far from where we need to be
I’ll note that 2.5°C of warming by 2100 is a significant improvement over the trajectory we were on a decade ago, even if still far from where we need to be
jesus christ :-(
In Córdoba Argentina weather has been getting crazy these last few years. We’ve been constantly getting 40°C+ temperatures in summer, an even in winter we’ve hit the 40°C mark (in the middle of July, mind you). Last year we only had like two days in the whole year where we managed to get minus 0°C temperatures
Almost 9 fucking months of summer here in Perth, with about 3 of those months being 30C and clear every single day. Forests and bushland are dying as a result, and water is scarce. I’ve never seen anything like it.
That’s 104° F for anyone wondering
The rest of the world understood 😆
American units 🤢
I don’t mean to downplay the situation at all but doesn’t that description pretty much match the world as it exists today? If anything I would expect their predictions to be more dire than that. The global south seems to have more than it’s fair share of pain and suffering already.
Oh sweet summer child…just wait. It hasn’t even begun to get bad.
Oh I know. I’m just saying I don’t think this particular quote really communicates that fact. It could just as easily be describing any point in the last 200 years as a future impacted by climate change.