So I’m real confused at why people hate big polyamorous relationships? Like it confuses me because isn’t the basis of being poly. Loving others and loving multiple people. Giving dedication to multiple people? Which it never specified on what type of group or how big of a group. So where does the hate of big polys come from?

If anyone can explain this please. Since this is not the first time I’ve got hate for my poly. Which actually normally I ether instantly get banned from places for asking questions or I get like 100s of downvotes. Though everyone just keeps their mouths shut and I’ve never really asked before but it just doesn’t make sense. Why is adding people to a poly to protect and love them. To give them the best life possible. With no abuse and no manipulation. To give others the happiness it’s hard for me to feel. A bad thing like why does the size of the poly or how we’re together make any difference. It’s just love isn’t it? Also it’s completely legal? So where is the issue.

Now I’ve heard some people jokingly call it a sex cult but I don’t believe it’d logically be that. Also for me it has nothing to do with the number of people, their sexualities, gender. All that matters to me is their personality and how I can help them grow into who they want to become. Which this probably gonna sound cheesy but it’s like watching a caterpillar transform into a butterfly. The beauty that comes from their happiness when they succeed or become who they want to be is my favourite part. Below is the definition of Polyamory and it never specifies anything about size or how it works unless it’s consensual and morally correct. So if this is a stereotype why don’t we burn that shit and just love!

Which I thought to add people can have different size polys or work differently yk and if you take my approach you’ll know when you get enough people or some can just give infinite love out.

  • DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.worldOP
    10 months ago

    Yeah that makes sense and same on the friend part most were friends of my partners or we just randomly meet them. Like at the business we own Tuesday we met Sam ( don’t have a name yet) they where with their friend and I started chaotic sexual shit and their friend was being a dick about it when it’s normal for stuff to happen in the store. Though they was being really non caring about it until they realized who they was but when talking to them I realized how beautiful their personality was and asked if they wanted to join. So normally it’s ether friends of my partners or random people we meet.