• Admiral Patrick
    2 months ago

    This asshole carpetbagger is also running for governor here, and he has a lot of support.

    He’s also a perfect explainer for why I absolutely can’t stand the “I don’t like Trump, but BiDen BaD” crowd (among other reasons, but I’ll stick to the points at hand):

    I live in a very red state. The 4 Republican gubernatorial candidates consist of 3 ghouls and one somewhat sane person. I don’t even know who the democratic candidate is, so what does that tell you? Even if I knew who the democratic candidates were, I know full well they don’t have a chance in hell of getting elected. (And even if they did, they’d likely switch parties like the current governor and my current delegate did after getting elected 😠)

    So, ever the pragmatist, I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that I’m going to have to hold my nose and vote for the least-worst republican candidate in order to prevent a worse republican candidate (the asshole pictured here) from getting elected. I would never vote for that candidate in a vacuum, but because we lack ranked choice voting, I am going to have to in order to stop someone worse.

    It sucks, but it’s reality, and no amount of whining, bitching, moaning, or negging between now and election day is going to change that.

    So if I can hold my nose and vote for a republican for the first time, well, ever, then surely people can hold their noses and vote for Biden when the alternative is another 4+ years of Trump .

    • Flying Squid
      62 months ago

      I really don’t think it’s a terrible idea for left-wing people to vote in Republican primaries if it is allowed. It will probably have a bigger effect than voting in a Democratic primary unless there’s something major in terms of contention.

      • Admiral Patrick
        2 months ago

        Agreed. But also, “well…fuck”.

        I thought the primaries here were open, but they’re not; you can only vote your party. For some reason I thought I recalled both R and D candidates on the primary ballots, but I’m definitely mis-remembering (I just double-checked). Kinda nullifies my whole rant there a bit. Still, I was ready to vote for a republican, so I guess that has to count for something.

        It may also be too late to change my party affiliation (primary is in 14 days).

        • teft
          32 months ago

          Why not just register R? You can vote whoever you like in the general and you’ll still be able to effect change in the republican primary.

          • Admiral Patrick
            2 months ago

            Well, it’s too late to change it now for the primary. In the general it doesn’t matter. Basically, I should have paid attention to the R candidates sooner. For my own mental health, I had been intentionally ignoring them.

  • @some_guy
    32 months ago

    We must listen to children who listen to bigoted parents! /s