It’s hard to believe that coming from a person whose job it is to make India look better though.

  • @Achyu
    82 months ago

    India’s young population will generate 30% of world’s wealth

    For whom tho?

    • 4dpuzzle
      2 months ago

      In that context, it’s interesting to reexamine Infosys Narayanamurthy’s call to youngsters for 70 hour work weeks in order to strengthen India’s economy. We all know that it’s just gaslighting young workers in order to make themselves richer.

      But how exactly do we strengthen India’s economy? The only way to do that is to inject more cash flow into the economy - especially the informal economy. And the way to do that is pay workers a decent salary. In other words, onus is on people like NM to pay their employees a fair wage to prop up the economy. But do they ever talk about a pay rise?

      Moral of the story is, don’t listen to people whose income or jobs depend on exploiting young workers (that includes stock exchange chief). And be especially wary of rich scoundrels talking about your responsibility to the nation.

      They wouldn’t so rich if they practiced what they preach. And remember, a rich nation isn’t a nation of a few rich people. It’s one where there’s more equitable distribution of wealth.

        62 months ago

        Preach. Narayanamurthy can honestly go to hell. Infosys is a glorified sweatshop. Nothing more.