I keep seeing more and more news that fits here…
law enforcement officials who support the law say that the boards subject their officers to unwanted scrutiny.
Exactly. The thugs, thieves, murderers and rapists are uncomfortable with the fact that the public is becoming aware of the fact that they’re thugs, thieves, murderers and rapists, and they want to go back to being able to beat, steal, murder and rape with impunity, and that requires eliminating oversight. So they’re actively moving to eliminate meaningful oversight.
It really is just that simple.
This is actually facism. There is no other word that even fits. There is no way to misdirect this. It’s facism
This isn’t one of those “Everyone I don’t like is a Nazi” type accusations. This is just facism
More government cover for their jackboot thugs. The heart of conservatism right there.
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A little more glacial melt and they’d be better served with life preservers.
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Sounds like a military coup in the making!
Solid foundation for a true police state. Might literally be the only thing this guy is capable of.
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Wow, you astounding piece of shit.
Don’t watch the cops…right. thanks for nothing, jerk.
This is him moving on from oppressing the racial minorities and moving on to the rich liberals.
He won’t be able to win if people can vote.
I make a motion to restructure the board into a tribunal. We haven’t had the table since the wrestling incident anyway.
As I said in another thread, who the fuck is opposed to extrajudicial killings? Police need to be able to kill to keep us safe. Also, I need a lot of guns.
Nobody is forbidding police to kill. They are making it illegal for anyone else than the police to investigate if the killing they do was justified. And this is wrong. Investigating one self is bad. Making it the only method is even worse
You’re the reason I nearly placed a /s on my comment.
Wait wait, maybe they have a point. Since the whole point of civilian oversight was to stop angry mob justice maybe this means they want the stupidly heavily armed general populous to bring back traditional mob justice. I mean whats the worst that can happen when the most armed people in the world distrust the police to this degree?
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