When I first saw the ads, it sounded dumb and I didn’t give it any more thought - I just had no interest in it. But like the author of that article, the more I read/hear about it, the more interested I am in it - especially since it seems to be pissing off all the very same demographics who cause the majority of our modern problems. I’m not sure if I’m willing to pay theater prices to see it, but I’ll definitely watch it when it becomes rentable via some streaming services.
It’s funny, because my wife and I were just talking about it last night - and she’d mentioned some of this very same stuff.
I was expecting a fish out of water comedy with nostalgic fan service, got a point blank meta commentary on what it means to be a woman in modern Western society and how it influences and effects everyone including men. It’s unapologetically feminist while being playful and light enough to still be fun.
It was great and surprisingly powerful. I legit cried at one point.
Cishet man here that did not expect to cry at a Barbie movie but man it was powerful.
And yet the movie killed at the box office.
B-b-but… GO WOKE GO BROKE! How else can I possibly rationalize that my opinions might just be in the minority? My fragile masculinity can’t handle it!
they forgot the or. it’s Go Woke OR Go Broke.
See, ez.
Bots… uh… Deep State… um… Hunter Biden, yeah. That fucker Hunter Biden bought all of the tickets to make it look like it did well at the box office.
Yeah, because Satan./s
What is meant by the sound of freedom in the movie? Does it happen to be a fart by any chance?
The sound of freedom is a hamberder sliding down a wall
Do “Christians” who would listen to this sort of thing go to see movies that aren’t labeled as “Christian Films” anyway?
Don’t kid yourself, despite the immense and pervasive Christian media bubble, it’s mostly garbage and they all know it. They indulge in the good stuff even while they publicly condemn it.
Unfortunately not in the household I grew up in.
I’m sorry for your experience. I shouldn’t have implied an absolute. Obviously there are more extreme examples out there. I grew up with no television, but there were still loopholes my parents would allow.
OH no worries. That was then. This is now. And I know Hypocrisy the currency of the church. You’re not wrong.
Nah. They only listen to christian music and read christian books too.
Hope you don’t mind if I take a “propaganda” at Margot Robbie.
“There’s content out there that doesn’t cater to my superiority as a single-white-male?! It must be the work of the devil!”
Seriously. The movie is killing it because people enjoy watching it.
Margo Robbie? Hardcore? Count me in!
deleted by creator
They’re right; it is propaganda. It’s corporate propaganda aimed at getting you to buy their garbage. Also known as advertising.
Edit: I’m getting downvoted for this, so I’ll clarify: I don’t think the movie is “demonic” or anything. But it is advertising and advertising is a type of propaganda https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda#Advertising
Have you actually seen the movie?
Not who you replied to but I’ve seen it, so I’ll chime in. I liked the movie and thought it had some great messages, but Barbie used to be touted as the prime example of setting unrealistic body expectations for young girls, and this movie smooths right over that, setting up Barbie as a feminist icon. That’s some damn good advertising towards the millennial women it’s aimed at, who are now moms and buying toys for their kids.
I don’t think it smoothed over that at all, personally. I found the movie quite self aware.
In regards to how freakishly, disproportionately skinny all Barbies used to be made? That didn’t come up.
It wouldn’t make for good watching if the movie listed off every issue with the brand. However, there was an entire diatribe about the issue with Barbie being too pretty, setting unrealistic body expectations, and setting the feminist movement back 50 years. That plus the fourth wall breaking narrator voice about Margot Robbie bring a bad choice of they wanted to make a particular point feels like they did address much of that criticism in a way that worked within the confines of the film.
Sasha calls out Barbie for “making women feel bad about themselves” and being capitalistic but that’s never really addressed by Barbie. She runs away and cries about being called a fascist (which Barbie clearly is not, taking away credibility from Sasha’s other claims and portraying her criticisms as silly teenage angst).
Sasha’s rejection of Barbie is portrayed as an extension of her rejection of her mom, and by the end of the movie Sasha has done a 180 on her views, becoming a Barbie fan again because she’s reconnected with her mom. I think it’s excellent advertising.
Uh, it did, actually.
Personally, i lost interest about halfway through, but I think most people will find it pretty entertaining.
However… that fact that the right is losing their shit over it makes me adore it!
Ok, sure, let’s go with that for just a moment.
How would you describe catholic mass?
That’s the right kind of propaganda.
All media is propaganda to some extent. It’s just that we don’t realize it for the media we agree with.
(cough cough 700 Club)
I just read the plot on Wikipedia and it’s 🔥🔥🔥. Can’t wait to check it out.
I wanna watch it but I don’t really have any streaming services
stremio, torrentio, mullvad
it’s very low quality but will probably be updated soon-ish