Personally, I like that it’s more command-line friendly than Java, although I don’t trust TS as much as Java’s simpler type system

  • @sqw
    61 year ago

    I find very little to like about it. It makes even simple obvious tasks extremely frustrating.

  • @Pixel
    51 year ago

    I like that it’s widely supported in the browser. Something is better than nothing (arguably). Other than that, no thanks

  • @sgharms
    31 year ago

    Function as first class data was pretty great (lambdas) far ahead of other languages used in 1999.

    Asynchrony / event loop to get to non-blocking was / is a huge leap.

    Like it or no, it’s pretty much English: a polyglot, imprecise, syncretic mish-mash that’s absolutely everywhere. Many arguments against it are some sort of rehash of “But how will they communicate well without learning Latin?!” I love Latin and know Latin, ut the fact that kids in Delhi are rapping (!) in Hinglish suggests that English’s promiscuity is a virtue. Same for JS.