#Oklahoma #OKSenate #OKGOP #VoterSuppression

  • @rifugee@lemmy.world
    138 months ago

    The article literally starts with, “If one state lawmaker has his way, every Oklahoma voter will soon have to re-register if they want to cast a ballot.” Soooo, if it’s not his intention to have everyone re-register, he’s either incompetent or he’s lying. Or let’s be honest, probably both.

    I guess the ridiculous and unfair districting isn’t enough? I’m not aware of any issues with fake ballots or anything and it’s not like the state is in danger of turning purple anytime soon, so what is he trying to accomplish, anyway?

  • Schadrach
    8 months ago

    Bill Text: http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2023-24 int/sb/SB1659 int.pdf

    Reading it, it appears to require voters to reregister and provide proof of citizenship (birth certificate for most folks, but not the only valid option) and proof of address to vote in county and state elections. This would take effect starting next year.

    This does not apply to federal elections, because doing this for federal elections would violate federal law (which requires you miss multiple election cycles, be notified, not respond to that notification, and miss another cycle as a bare minimum to remove someone from the rolls).