Firstly. Hello! This is my first post after joining this instance.

I have recently gotten into PROPERLY studying Marxism and Communism. Unfortunately every time I try to watch something now I just see it as western capitalist propaganda. The new Tetris movie for instance shows Russia as grey and awful. I’m looking for something different.

Any good films made during the Soviet Union that you would recommend?

  • Solaris is amazing but it starts really really slow, if you’re used to the pace of Hollywood movies, you’ll lose it. But power through, it’s like 2001: a Space Odyssey but more intelligent.

    • Muad'Dibber
      53 months ago

      Also Stalker. It’s rich wine, not popcorn, but they’re great movies.

      43 months ago

      slow is an understatement, I’ve tried to watch this like 3 times and I always either fall asleep or get bored halfway through