Christian Nationalism is a movement that affects us here in Canada just much as in the United States. This documentary highlights how that movement is affecting global politics at the highest levels.

Praying for Armageddon is a documentary film by Tonje Hessen Schei.

Praying for Armageddon is a political thriller that investigates the dangerous consequences of the fusion between Evangelical Christianity and American politics. Through years of reporting, this film not only reveals how structures of fundamentalism weaken the very fabric of American democracy, but also highlights the devastating impact religion wields on U.S. foreign policy. From a grassroots foundation and megachurch empires to the dark backroom maneuvering in Washington D.C., this film ventures inside a movement that ultimately aims to destroy our civilization. This deep dive into power and policy unveils how politicians driven by faith embrace Israel as the key to their prophetic vision for the end of days, at any cost, ultimately escalating the spirals of violence in the Middle East. As Intercept journalist Lee Fang says, “We cannot look away.”

Part One

Part Two

    64 months ago

    As an American emigrant I was really surprised to learn that your largest Bible belt up here is directly next to Vancouver, there are some dramatic contrasts in this country.

      3 months ago

      Wait until you find out that our last Primer Minister, Stephen Harper, was a stunch evangelical and brought representatives of various evangelical churches and organizations on his trips to Israel.

      Harper was the first Western leader to cut aid to the Palestinian Authority following Hamas’ 2006 seizure[sic] of power in Gaza and the first to withdraw from the second U.N. World Conference Against Racism, known as Durban II, saying the event would “scapegoat the Jewish people.”

      Canada has sided openly with Israel in every one of its military operations since 2006. Harper’s Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, calls him Stephen, and the two speak regularly.

      This fucker made Canada do a complete 180 on the Palestinian question, and we never recovered. Trudeau continued his policies essentially unchanged up until this Monday’s resolution (I, partially, blame Freelan).

        23 months ago

        Harper was the worst thing to happen to Canada at the worst time.

        And that mf’er still has his claws into us.

      • @CanadaPlus
        23 months ago

        He’s been hanging out with Victor Orban recently, too.

    • IninewCrowOP
      3 months ago

      That same bible belt stretches from Windsor to Cornwall in Ontario … excluding the major cities, the rural areas don’t feel any different than middle America. I have friends and relatives in Norfolk county, south of Hamilton, Ontario and their lives are not much removed from their American neighbours to the south.