Rip Canada

    54 months ago

    Okay but in the US people can go to jail for death threats. Is that speech crime? Is that the first link in the chain? Or is that a reasonable law?

    • @some_guy
      54 months ago

      Yeah, speech can’t cause a reasonable person to have a reasonable fear of harm. Like, calling in a bomb scare. I don’t know the exact parameters, but it’s established that there are forms of speech that are not permissible.

        34 months ago

        Right. So there are forms of speech that are not permissible.

        The argument then isn’t “I don’t agree with this law banning calls for genocide because I’m against all forms of speech restrictions”. The argument is really “I don’t agree with this law banning calls for genocide because I don’t see calls for genocide as something that should be banned.” The latter argument is difficult to justify though, which is why the former argument is used by a lot “free speech absolutionists”.