like, if i’m feeling bad but force myself to do something, i usually feel better. how to maintain the usefulness of this advice without presenting it as ‘fuck your feelings’, in that usual arrogant right wing sort of way

  • @Monument
    4 months ago

    Truthfully, I feel the response that said “Action over anxiety” is probably the best one I’ve seen in this thread.

    I have a bunch of things I tell myself to try to keep up my motivation, and it does change depending on my mood. I’ll sometimes be kind and gentle with myself, silly, stoic, angry, and - try as I might to avoid it - even self-abusive sometimes.

    But, really, though. It’s not about the phrase or the wording, it’s about motivation.
    My ‘battle cry’ changes depending on how I’m feeling, but the underlying reality is that we must do these things.

    It’s best if we don’t motivate ourselves with toxic masculinity or self-abuse, but it kind of doesn’t matter what we say: We must continue on.
    The only other option is stagnation and death.

    Just keep swimming, friend.