Lawyers for Donald J. Trump and his co-defendants are seeking to have Fani T. Willis disqualified, accusing her of a conflict of interest because of a personal relationship with a prosecutor she hired.

    5 months ago

    I mean if you want to pretend that public perceptions of things like court cases don’t matter, go ahead.

    Its not a good thing that before the trial has even gotten underway, the prosecution is showing what appears to be a clear cut case of corruption. Its a really bad thing that has the potential to derail the entire case (and maybe it already has?). You can hate that justice isn’t arbitrary and independent, but to deny that it isn’t is a kind of unaffordable naivete I can’t support. Public perception of how this trial is proceeding will impact its outcome. Its too bad that things are that, but here we are.

    Its a huge fucking problem and Willis is a dunce for even considering for a microsecond that this was acceptable. This was the trial of the century, and if she was so concerned about self-enrichment, she could have realized that by executing on this trial she could have set herself up in a position to be the next attorney general. Had she even considered for second the scale of what she is dealing with, she would have laughed at the hiring of, what basically amounts to an ambulance chaser, to prosecute a complex constitutional law/ RICO case. Its jaw dropping in its stupidity.

    Hiring a personal injury lawyer alone should have been enough to call into question her decision making in this case. But a personal injury lawyer that was her personal boyfriend? And she’s been taking vacations with them during the run-up to trial? She claims she paid for her half but has no receipts? And yet here we are having this discussion and the actual trial hasn’t even started yet. This is a complete disaster.

    • Avid Amoeba
      65 months ago

      I mean, I see your point, but the question that matters is whether the jury would decide differently based on any of this. Would the jury decides to acquit Trump because of this? I don’t know, personally I don’t think so as the allegations here are completely disconnected from what the jury will be deciding on.

        25 months ago

        Time lines matter. Mistrials matter. Wasting of public funds matter. The perception of this being seen as a witchhunt by corrupt Democrats matters. You can’t treat this in a vacuum as if what is happening around the trial doesn’t matter. Its not simply a matter of what the jury believes that matters, and their beliefs and perceptions don’t exist independently of the world that is happening around the trial.

        Fani Willis has delivered a gift to the Trump campaign and the authors of project 2025. Justice has been compromised by her actions, and if I were writing odds on justice being served in this case, I would give it 9/10 that Trump walks (because of the actions of Willis to date) in spite of having done precisely what he is accused of having done.