• Dr. Wesker
    5 months ago

    In the last ~4 years, the homeless population seems to have exploded. Shanty towns and zombie RVs everywhere. Trash everywhere.

    Personal and commercial property vandalism and crime seems more prevalent, though I don’t have numbers to back up that anecdote.

    Open air drug use has also become unsettlingly normalized.

    All this to say, homelessness certainly seems epidemic, at the very least on the west coast.

      • Dr. Wesker
        15 months ago

        Oh, sorry.

        Everyone on the west coast would be inclined to say, “it’s a complicated issue” and then continue to do virtually nothing.

        Seems to me like the usual suspects. Financial hardship, drug abuse, and mental illness. All intertwined.

          • Dr. Wesker
            15 months ago

            Lack of affordable housing certainly seems like a contributing factor. Drug addiction and mental illness complicates the problem though. Virtually no one will rent to, or rent to for long, someone living that life without treatment.