I wouldn’t really call myself a distro hopper, but in the last few months I’ve had to do some fresh installs on a couple of machines and VMs for work

If these aren’t included by default, I’ll make sure to get em:


  • Firefox & Chromium
  • Gimp & Krita
  • VSCode/VSCodium
  • Okular
  • Libre office


  • git
  • wget&curl
  • neovim
  • zsh/ohmyzsh + plugins
  • glow
  • neofetch
  • figlet/toilet
  • zellij
  • python
  • nodejs/npm/nvm + nodemon globally
  • ranger/rifle

Also, how do you go about migrating your old config and rc files? Start fresh or just copy em over and make adjustments where necessary?

  • @cammelspit@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    Oh, this is a flipping great question. So much fun as I’ve just settled on one distro. M$ won’t allow me to transfer my transferrable Windows license and I refuse o pay yetagain for Windows so Linux is my sole OS from now on. I have had so many weird issues or configuration woes with a ton of OSs ive been trying. So I tell ya, I sure have installed my fair share of them in the last month or so.


    • Steam (Gotta get my game on)
    • ProtonPlus
    • Lutris
    • Heroic
    • Winetricks
    • Protontricks
    • VLC
    • Brave
    • Bitwarden(Probably the second most important software in my life)
    • Authy
    • Krusader (No idea why but Ill use this before the built in file manager sometimes)
    • Plex htpc
    • Kate - Notepadqq (havent decided which one i like best yet)
    • PolyMC
    • LibreOffice
    • Flatpack (I always prefer the native package but flatpack has almost anything the repositories lack)-
    • Appimagelauncher (Just for ease of use, appimages are a always third fiddle but are a great backup as flatpacks can be - limited in available software compared)
    • Gimp (Almost exclusively because the name makes me giggle)
    • OBS Studio


    • MC (100% always the first this I ever install no matter what)
    • HTOP (Not standard in all as many distros as i would think)
    • Openssh
    • Cifs-utils
    • Starship
    • Zsh
    • Neofetch
    • Tmux (Cant live without it)

    Of course there are tons of other small things I add but those are the ones I will have installed likely before I go to reboot for the first time. The rest of what I interact with is generally running on my server so it’s all web based stuff for the most part. I use VNC often to interact with virtual machines, do tech support for my son so i don’t have to get up (disabled). I haven’t really found a Linux VNC client i genuinely like. I used to use TightVNC with Windows and it’s about the only thing I miss. I do have a Guacamole docker running on my network but unless you have a physical KB/M it’s less than preferable to use. I’ll find something I like eventually I’m sure. 👍-----