Again, post is early since I won’t have internet next week. Ignore until Monday.

  • I2jgwh0hYtxrCZQ
    1 year ago

    How a realistic hero rebuilt the kingdom - Vol 01

    I started it (70% read) but have dropped it for now as I can’t get into it. I really enjoyed the anime but just can’t get into it. I am not sure if it’s because I know what is happening or whether I am just not looking for a more serious read at the moment. I might try picking it up where the anime ends and see if I am more successful.

    I’ve been killing slimes for 300 Years - Vol 01

    I pick it up after failing to read Realistic hero as I read Making Magic - Vol 05 before it and thought the Wholesome book might be easier to read.

    Anyone got any recommendations for good series?

    • NineSwords@lemmy.mlOPM
      1 year ago

      My top 3 are Ascendance of a Bookworm, Tearmoon Empire (even though my hype is quickly dying off since the translator change) and Cooking With Wild Game.

      • I2jgwh0hYtxrCZQ
        1 year ago

        Bookworm and Tearmoon are on my list to read.

        I will have to look into Cooking with wild game.

        • NineSwords@lemmy.mlOPM
          1 year ago

          I often compare Cooking With Wild Game to Bookworm. In both series the isekai MC has zero powers apart from their knowledge that they brought with them. And not knowledge in the sense of “I’ve seen a gun in TV and games and I am suddenly able to recreate them without a problem”. Just like Myne in Bookworm has to painfully R&D the creation of paper, the MC in Cooking With Wild Game has to try to recreate recipes with isekai resources.

          Another similarity is how the series both start with low-stakes, small-scale problems but slowly build up to become bigger and involving the lives of more people. Both also at the very core stories about class divides.

          Where they differ is who carries the series. In Bookworm it’s Myne the main character. She is clearly the MVP of the books. In Wild Game it’s the side characters around the MC that are carrying.