• NeuromancerM
    -66 months ago

    You know, like slavery

    The democrats just can’t let their past go.

      • ThrowawayM
        -36 months ago

        Nice symbol. Remind me, which party is trying to keep minorities from arming themselves?

      • NeuromancerM
        -36 months ago

        Not at all. The democrats have always been racist and most likely always will be racist. I still have no clue what your point is. You keep calling that the confederate flag and it’s not. Maybe instead of low effort trolling, you should learn some history. You’d learn that’s the battle flag of lees army and guess what, they were democrats.

        • PizzaMan
          6 months ago

          Then why are republicans flying a democratic flag? (I’ll government you a hint: p-rty sw-tch)

          • NeuromancerM
            -16 months ago

            The government switch is a lie.

            You’ve had many people leave the democrats because they sent their jobs overseas. The democrats found out slavery was legal in other countries and started shipping those jobs.

            Nothing will stop th democrats from their abusive use of labor.

              • @jimbolauski@lemm.ee
                -16 months ago

                Here is a partial list ( there were alot of dems that voted no and I got lazy) of racists democrats that voted against the civil rights act of 1964 and when they stopped being reps/senators.  If the parties switched these guys wouldn’t be representing the racists democrats up to 2010.

                George William Andrews 1972 Robert Emmett Jones 1972 Armistead Selden 1968 Wilbur Mills 1976 James Trimble 1966 Robert Sikes 1978 Charles Edward Bennett 1992 Dante Fascell 1992 Paul Rogers 1978 Don Fuqua 1986 Sam Gibbons 1996 George Hagan 1972 Phillip Landrum 1976 Robert Stephens 1976 William Natcher 1994 Joseph Waggonner 1978 Otto Passman 1976 Gillis Long 1986 Jamie Whitten 1994 Lawrence Fountain 1982 David Newton Henderson 1976 Roy Taylor 1976 Joseph Evins 1976 John Patman 1976 Herbert Roberts 1980 Olin Teague 1978 William Poage 1978 James Claude Wright 1989 Grand Wizard Robert Byrd 2010 James Eastland 1978 Sam Ervin 1974 Russell B. Long 1987 John L. McClellan 1977 John Jackson Sparkman 1979 John C. Stennis 1989 Herman Talmadge 1981

                • PizzaMan
                  06 months ago

                  voted against the civil rights act of 1964

                  Clearly you didn’t pay attention in history class when they were discussing the southern strategy, and when it took place.

                  If the parties switched these guys wouldn’t be representing the racists democrats up to 2010.

                  If the parties hadn’t switched, it’d be the democrats flying confederate flags. Instead it’s the republicans.

                  Why the fuck would the republicans be flying democratic flags?

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -16 months ago

                    Nobody is flying confederate flags. lol. Jesus.

                    People fly the flag for southern pride. Your own links confirms that. The majority feel that way.

                    This contrasted with polling[52] conducted Morning Consult and Politico right after the George Floyd incident, which showed nearly the opposite - 44 percent of saw the Confederate flag as symbol of Southern pride, and 36 percent saw it as racist.[53]

                • NeuromancerM
                  06 months ago

                  I had two history teachers that were active in their parties. The democrat preached the parties switched. The republican showed how they never changed. It’s a myth. Yet the democrats want to white wash history.

                  • @PeepinGoodArgs@reddthat.com
                    06 months ago

                    …what are you doing, Winter? We’ve been over this. I have the receipts to prove to you using your source that the parties switched.

                    It’s really weird how y’all just don’t face facts…