• @kautau@lemmy.world
    16 months ago

    As shitty as it is, when it comes to the actual presidential election, that’s basically a vote in trump’s pocket if he’s the candidate. Trump’s base is already solidified. They’re voting for him no matter what. He could get on live tv and say he’ll have everyone who voted for him executed after becoming dictator, and they’d cheer louder. For Biden, he’s going to struggle to get votes beyond “always vote blue” so any vote not for him is going to weaken his position against Trump. There’s no scenario where a third party wins.

    It’s not how it should be, but in this election, it’s what’s going to matter.

    • @rambaroo@lemmy.world
      -46 months ago

      These aren’t lost votes for Biden. Most of these people straight up would never vote for him to begin with. You neolibs need to accept that the world doesn’t revolve around you.

      • @kautau@lemmy.world
        6 months ago


        looks at buttons

        button 1 is a fascist dictatorship

        button 2 staves off the dictatorship

        button 3 does nothing

        Yes, my super neoliberal alignment is where my decisions are based. I would love for another candidate to get the presidency, but the 70k or so active users on Lemmy voting for so won’t matter.

    • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
      -86 months ago

      Ok so then what? Biden wins another election term, continues committing genocide in Gaza, and after 4 years we’re still stuck in the same place we started?

      Vote for Democrats again so Arabs in the middle east are murdered and Nazisrael expands their Lebensraum to include Lebanon and Jordan?

      If Biden wins while committing genocide it’s signaling that Democrat voters are just as fine with genocide as Republicans are, giving the Democratic party no reason to stop doing it.

      Genocide Joe must be replaced by a different candidate without a funny nickname, because voting for Biden now means you directly endorse genocide.

      • @kautau@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Or, vote for a third party candidate. Trump wins. He guts the checks and balances of the US government, a civil war erupts, the “little” insurrection we saw becomes very real. All the proud boys sitting home with their rifles scrolling truth social start to walk outside and shoot people they don’t like because Trump said it’s ok. Half the police are trying to quell the violence, half of them are siding with the insurrection.

        Foreign policy doesn’t matter at this point, it’s a matter of who survives the internal struggle. The EU and other nations ban travel to and from the US while they decide whether or not to intervene. Our NATO treaties are about protection from other nations, not from ourselves. The fascist uprising in the US gives strength to other international fascist uprisings that are currently rearing their heads across the world. Israel does whatever the fuck it wants, and the weapon dealers of the US, no longer bound by international treaty are happy to fill those weapon orders.

        Either a stronger section of what remains of the US government defeats the insurrection, and begins to pull apart the rubble for survivors, or what has won becomes the new “America,” no longer United States, but one “strong nation” so on and so forth.

        This isn’t a standard election, it’s literally deciding whether to vote in someone who has actively claimed they will become a dictator once in power. And it has very broad global implications beyond Israel’s imperialist invasion of Gaza.

          • @kautau@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            The world stage was not nearly as volatile in 2016 as it is now, and Trump, who did manage to gut much of the US government legally at the time (Supreme Court, EPA, FCC, Education, Labor, Agriculture, Transportation, etc), was not at that point declaring he would go full dictator like he is now. He wasn’t on trial for being a literal insurrectionist and traitor against our democracy at that point. Like I said, it’s a very different election. I don’t like Biden, but I do like the idea that Biden can be legally voted out of power, and then the next president can also, legally be voted out of power. Trump’s goal is that he cannot be legally voted out of power, to the point that his militia will try to murder anyone that makes an effort to remove him from unlawful power.

            • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
              -36 months ago

              Here’s the big problem: Democrats have refused to fix it even when they were in power. Because it benefits them. The Democrats with Obama had full control of everything before 2016. Obama and Biden could have prevented this but they didn’t.

              Democrats purposely didn’t encode any rights such as abortion. All so they can keep saying “Oohhh look at the other scary side, keep voting for us Democrats! You can’t vote third party this time they will take your abortions away!”.

              Unless Americans start waking up to these extremely obvious forced scare tactics that the Democrats themselves hold in stand, nothing will ever change. And Genocide has to be the line at which you say “holy shit this is too far”. The end do not justify the means anymore if the means include genocide.

              • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
                26 months ago

                And you think the answer is to make it worse? To see if we can have an even bigger civil war?

                Fuck off.

              • @kautau@lemmy.world
                16 months ago

                Ok, so you are opting for a forced revolution, because my position of trying to prevent fascism isn’t the solution, and your position of voting for another candidate will allow the us to enter a civil war period. That’s fine, but you have to mop up the blood. A revolution or civil war in the US is likely inevitable, but you’re an accelerationist, claiming a position within the existing system with the interests of forcing the system to end

                For more information:


                • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
                  -56 months ago

                  You aren’t trying to prevent fascism by voting for Genocide Joe who is trying to start WW3. You are endorsing and enabling fascism and supporting Nazism.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        26 months ago

        Problem. Biden is the only candidate with a chance of winning and plans to let people vote again in 2028. Protest voting or staying at home means we’re stuck with a genocidal idiot for the rest of his life. And God help us when he’s replaced by the genocidal smart guy with no checks against his power.

        At some point you have to vote in your own interest.

      • JJROKCZ
        16 months ago

        All that will still happen under trump, plus the Ukrainians will lose their lifeline and be conquered by Russians, and we’ll likely have purges in America or a civil war as trump tries to end America’s run as a democracy.

        • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
          -36 months ago

          Maybe ask Biden to bypass congress for Ukraine, instead of using them to give israel more bombs to kill children with then

      • @AA5B@lemmy.world
        16 months ago

        Or you could:

        • look at the overall picture instead of voting one issue
        • consider the alternative
        • stop being unrealistic that anything will change

        We can all agree with wanting the suffering of civilians to end but random countries in civil wars taking potshots at merchant ships passing by or throwing missiles in the general direction of hostilities, seems more like an attention getting tactic

        • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
          -46 months ago

          What bigger picture? It’s fucking genocide dude. Holy shit this is not just a small issue you can ignore.

          It’s like saying "Vote for Hitler, he’s better than the other guy and it’s just the Jews that are going to get kiled.

          What israel is doing is blockading food and water from entering into Gaza which is an actual Nazi style war crime straight from the concentration camps.

          This is what shipping through the red sea looks like right now in 1000’s ships:

          The Houthis are most definitely making an enormous global impact. Since the West is not standing up for humanitarian rights it seems like the only thing that will stop this genocide them is losing money.

          • @AA5B@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Biden is not running for President of Israel

            So the Houthis are coming off a civil war resulting in 300,000 deaths, yet now we’re getting worked up about less than a tenth that. Houthis are pirating or taking potshots at random merchant ships passing by, yet this is Israel’s fault?

            • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
              -56 months ago

              Last time I checked there were 2.3 million people in Gaza. You know why the Houthis do this? Because israel is still committing genocide in Gaza.

              • @AA5B@lemmy.world
                06 months ago

                Its ok because Houthis are defending themselves? That’s what we’re going with?

                • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
                  -16 months ago

                  Yes the Houthis were actually chosen by god 3000 years ago and there was a Hamas tunnel under the cargo ship. Thus they have the right to defend themselves.