Behind the Bastards

fun + informative history podcast on awful people and events with a comedic bent

  • @some_guy
    8 months ago

    Grumpy Old Geeks

    Dutch News Podcast

    Boonta Vista

    American Hysteria

    What Roman Mars Can Learn About ConLaw

    99% Invisible

    QAnon Anonymous (it’s anti-Q)

    Noble Blood

    Darknet Diaries

    Behind the Bastards

    A Traditional of Violence

    Always Sunny Podcast

    In the Dark

    Kids of Rutherford County

    Last Podcast on the Left

    The Line

    Long Shadow

    Maintenance Phase

    Nice White Parents

    According to Need

    Order 9066


    Song Exploder

    Spycops Info

    Stuff the British Stole

    Who the Hell is Hamish

    The Women’s War

    Your Favorite Band Sucks

    Sorry, it’s too much to type a description for each of them. I’m on my phone.