And why do you use it there?

  • sehnsucht
    2 years ago

    It’s my OS of choice, and the with the passing of time I eventually installed it on most of my hardware:

    • Thinkpad T460 (amd64), my current daily driver. HW probe
    • Thinkpad R51 (i386), for retrogaming: dual-booted with FreeDOS
    • Mac Mini G4 (macppc), for fun stuff and as DLNA.
    • Workstation (custom build, triple-booted with Windows and Slachware; HW probe) . Mainly used for development and building packages
    • Raspberry Pi4 (evbarm64), my main server (web, ftp, nntp, mail, matrix, git)
    • Raspberry Pi3 (evbarm64), secondary server (firewall + DNS)
    • SDF and tildeverse (

    I always wanted a SPARC machine but never got one.