She responded it was about “basically how the government was going to run."

    76 months ago


    But by skimming a few lines here and there, I can see that you never addressed any of your false statements. Instead, you seemed to blather on about political divides or some nonsense. Going on an unrelated tirade is a typical defense tactic used by conservatives attempting to obfuscate their deception when called out. They are still the ramblings of someone who thinks Lincoln was the leader of the conservatives of his time! 🤣LOL 😅

    Nothing in your panicked, defensive comment suggests that you are capable of entering a dialogue in good faith. So, run along back to Truth Social or NAMBLA or wherever your kind linger these days and tell them all how cool you are for trolling the libs. You sure got us! Good one!

    • Zoot
      6 months ago

      Youre a major dick if you can’t be assed to read someone’s comment. It is not cool, and very telling of child like behavior, I see it being all too common. It does not matter what the subject of his comment says, be a respectful person and do what they have done for you, humored you and read your comment.

      6 months ago

      What false statements? And if you’re not gonna read for shit then you might as well just keep screaming like an utter idiot, you fucking dumbass.

      Edit: No, actually Jesus fucking Christ you pissed me off. You’re either a troll or a fucking buffoon for assuming I’m a right winger. Get your head out of your ass, you fucking shill.

      -96 months ago

      What the fuck is NAMBLA, you know so much about right wing bubbles, you kinda sound like a troll account used only for screenshots to show how “unhinged” the left is. Either that or you’re actually unhinged. Stop speaking for us on the left, please.

      • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
        16 months ago

        Honestly, I feel like something fucky is going on. Dude’s definitely acting unhinged and not trying to engage in actual discussion. You’ve been fairly level-headed but are being showered in downvotes? Very weird.

          16 months ago

          fairly level-headed

          Honestly I did lose my cool for a moment there, as is evident by my sudden spam of insults lol… Not fun being on the receiving end of…whatever the hell that was.

          But yeah, I don’t understand wtf is up with this comment chain or maybe even the news community as a whole. Feels exceedingly toxic compared to other communities, even the notoriously toxic ones. Hell, for a moment I considered maybe I was being downvoted with bots or brigaded…?

      -116 months ago

      Is this how we are fighting this war now? Claiming stupid shit like “you didn’t address all your lies” when I stated one single literal fact? How old are you kid? Not old enough to read a fucking paragraph?

        86 months ago

        I’m old enough to remember you resorting to hateful name-calling before editing your last comment.

        I’m a retiree who loves calling out conservatives on their bullshit. I’ve lived a long life watching conservatives belittle and bully everyone around them. From a lifetime of observation, I can conclude there is no such thing as a “good conservative”. Never has been.

      -116 months ago

      Nothing in your panicked, defensive comment suggests that you are capable of entering a dialogue in good faith.

      This is LITERALLY PROJECTION. You ignored my entire post and proceeded to argue in bad faith and ignore the very clear statements, along with my entire post history, showing I’m not a fucking right winger. You Americans are so fucking dumb you cannot bother to do some critical thinking for once.

      Shit like this is why the rest of the world just laughs while you guys burn yourselves to the ground.