She responded it was about “basically how the government was going to run."

    196 months ago

    The original post did not mention parties in any way shape or form. Republicans may have made themselves the modern party of conservatism. But the Dixiecrats were conservative as well. All conservatives all in the wrong side. It’s fairly simple.

      6 months ago

      I’m not sure conservative and progressive would have had the same context back then… it’s not that simple…

      It’s trying to cram hundreds of years of history into today’s notions of conservative and progressive which I don’t think accurately represents the actual sentiments of the people living back then… and it glosses over the fact that many in the north enriched themselves from slavery as well, our country is founded on slavery, let’s not just simplify it to conservatives bad, progressives good… I think that is my main issue…

        106 months ago

        Ummm… literally fucking definitions, bro. Conservatives by definition want things to go back to ‘the good old days’ full of racism and white America. Progressives want… progress.

        Progressives are good. Conservatives are bad. It is black and white.

          6 months ago

          So Conservative Colin Powell was wrong advocating for affirmative action and other programs to help create a more equitable society?

          Or David Frum writing for the Atlantic as a conservative… I guess that magazine is secretly GOP shill.

        06 months ago

        Progress is a moving target. There are many views held by those that were progressive back then. That would be anathema to modern progressives. But their progressive view points tend to transcend the time they were born.

        Modern conservative bigots, aren’t really all that different from their counterparts from the past however. Party history doesn’t necessarily need to enter into it at all. Conservatives seek to conserve power for themselves. No more, no less. Exactly what that means to them may change superficially. But the core remains. Throughout all positive change in human history. Conservatives have been solidly against it. Conservative in America, conservatives in England, conservatives in Afghanistan, conservatives in just about anywhere else. Potato potato. The superficial trappings around it may differ slightly. But the core is always power for themselves and oppression of others to get it.