• deweydecibel
    6 months ago

    This comment feels like it’s from 2017 or something. If you’ve spent any amount of time on social media in the last few years, you know damn well how this comment would be responded to.

    If trans athletes are causing a serious, quantifiable distribution in competitive sports, to the point you can direct me to multiple bodies of evidence that clearly show a trend of cis athletes being overshadowed, then, and only then will I agree there is a problem.

    But there isn’t.

    There was is reason to impose restrictions on trans athletes before there is any quantifiable evidence that their inclusion is a problem.

    And the same goes for trans people in gendered bathrooms or any of the other shit people come up with as hypothetical problems.

    Show me the trends. Show me where it’s a quantifiable problem first, then we’ll talk.

    • @joemo
      -56 months ago

      You need to protect the idea that people competing in a specific league don’t have any advantages.

      Imagine if LeBron changed his gender and began competing in the WNBA. Do you think he’d magically suck, or would he dominate? This doesn’t magically change the 38 years of training that he has done as a male. It’s not a hard concept. When thinking about these things, you need to think about these edge cases because that is what is going to get abused.

      • @Nikki@lemmy.world
        46 months ago

        strawman argument 101: what if EXTREME EXAMPLE happened? this should dictate how we treat all levels of competition because (???)

        you act as if being trans is a choice made at a whim, and can be easily made to take advantage of a situation. obviously if some major athlete came out there would be more than just “oh she competes in the womens league now”, but we dont have to talk about that because that is such a worthless strawman argument

        how will this affect lebrons legacy

        • @joemo
          -46 months ago

          You need to consider edge cases when making the rules. You can’t just ignore them and hope that people don’t abuse them.

          I’m not acting like being trans is a choice. I want competitions to be in as level of a playing field as possible. Competing in sports is a choice though.

          • @Nikki@lemmy.world
            36 months ago

            The edge case is called that for a reason, dictating every level of competition based on edge cases is how you push a narritive

            Let olympic athletes and organizers sort out how they want to handle the .01% of athletes that are trans, basically every other level of competition it doesnt fuckin matter. The only reason its brought up 99% of the time is to push a transphobic narritive and i am so fucking sick of it

            • @joemo
              -36 months ago

              Ok, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Not everything is transphobic.

              You can’t just make rules that are like “this is allowed unless Nikki@lemmy.world thinks it provides an unfair advantage”.

              You don’t make rules and just hope and pray people don’t find edge cases and abuse it.

              • @Nikki@lemmy.world
                46 months ago

                the issue is bringing bigoted government legislation into what should be exclusively top level competition. you and i both know that ted cruz (example) isnt gonna be playing touchy when it comes to taking away our rights

                if its just the top level people deciding what an advantage is, in just high level sport, then fair. but letting that seep down to collage, high school, and below is a path to genetal inspections on teens and children