So we can clearly see the most popular distros and the reasons why people use them, please follow this format:

  • Write the name of the Linux distro as a first-level comment.
  • Reply to that comment with each reason you like the distro as a separate answer.

For example:

  • Distro (first-level comment)
    • Reason (one answer)
    • Other reason (a different answer)

Please avoid duplicating options. This will help us better understand the most popular distros and the reasons why people use them.

    • z3bra
      51 year ago

      The user repositories are decentralized, and very straightforward to setup, meaning anyone can package something, and share it with the community.

    • z3bra
      1 year ago

      It does not use systemd.

    • z3bra
      31 year ago

      The setup and configuration is really simple and friction less (for example, daemon start/stop scripts are standalone and sit in /etc/rc.d).

    • z3bra
      31 year ago

      The packaging system is the simplest I’ve ever found in a distro, meaning that making your own package is a very simple and quick process.

    • z3bra
      31 year ago

      Uses a port tree system for packages similar to openbsd.