• Zorque
    31 year ago

    Kai was at least doing what she thought was best for her people. She was a fucking moron about it, but she at least had good intentions.

    Spez is just trying to create value from other peoples work, without even the thinnest veneer of compensation.

    • CynicalStoic
      01 year ago

      Was she though? Didn’t she plot to have a political rival assassinated? I feel like she has more of a Walter White motivational style where she kept saying it was for the good of Bajor (family) but she just really liked having power.

      • Zorque
        11 year ago

        Theyre not mutually exclusive, she was definitely tripping on power, as evidenced by her refusal to give up that power when she found out about the Pah-Wraith ploy Dukat was pushing on her.

        But she definitely thought what she was doing was for the betterment of Bajor. She assumed she knew what was best, and any dissenting opinions were unequivocally wrong.

        Its never as easy as pure good and pure evil, especially with well written characters.

        • CynicalStoic
          11 year ago

          Yeah that’s quite a fair point! Complex characters is quite a strength of DS9 especially in their villains. Glad to have be having a discussion like this

    • lxskllr
      01 year ago

      @Zorque @CynicalStoic

      I haven’t seen DS9 in awhile, but that’s not how I remember her. Winn did what was best for Winn. Any benefit to others was a coincidence, or part of her MakeWinnGreatAgain program.

      • Zorque
        11 year ago

        She did what was best for her… and to her, that’s what was best for Bajor. She was clearly wrong, but that didn’t stop her until the very end.

        Too little, too late, though.