Transphobic comments

Intentionally silencing the truth

    • xigoi
      -468 months ago

      Good job reinforcing the stereotype that transgender people are violent and mentally unstable.

      • FoundTheVegan
        208 months ago

        How dare you be upset when you are insulted!


        Really? Jokes about steam roller counts as violence? Those Looney Toon be a real scary show for ya? Wild they make it for kids.

        Shame on you. Feign your mock outrage and cry those crocodile tears, for the rest of us are laughing at the sad transparency.

        • xigoi
          -128 months ago

          In what world is driving a steamroller over someone not violent? How would you like it if someone made a meme about driving a steamroller over transgender people?

            • xigoi
              -98 months ago

              You didn’t answer my question.

              • FoundTheVegan
                8 months ago

                Because it’s a very silly question, one that I’m not going to entertain because…

                Do you really think this person is out renting a steam roller? And trying to find the street address of that person now?!

                You are steching so hard to call this a violent threat when it could not be more silly. You’re not motivated by “preventing violence”, because the entire premise here is ridiculous at face value. You’re motivated by wanting to call trans people unstable.

                Go tell your friends, your boss, your family you stopped someone from getting killed by a steam roller by saying “tut tut, ur crazy” on the internet. You know damn well they are gonna laugh at you.

                • xigoi
                  8 months ago

                  So I presume if someone posted a comment saying “I’d love to roll him over with a steamroller” under a post about a transgender person, you would not consider that a violent threat because they are not going to actually get a steamroller?

                  • Veraxus
                    88 months ago

                    Context is everything. You are deliberately conflating a ridiculous joke with a veiled threat. You know the difference, so why are you feigning ignorance?

      • darq
        128 months ago

        Let’s not pretend that you actually give a damn about transgender people. This is just concern trolling.

        • xigoi
          -148 months ago

          I do give a damn about violent threats on the internet.

          • darq
            108 months ago

            I quite simply do not believe that for even a second.

        • xigoi
          08 months ago

          Which video game contains violence against a specific real-life person?

            • xigoi
              08 months ago

              I don’t personally feel threatened. But the glorification of violence against a specific person is worrying.