From XDA

  • @seitanic
    11 months ago

    Windows 11 may be the king of operating systems

    In what world? I’ve just started using it at work, and I swear the other day it tried to sell me an XBox controller. Not like I was on the Web and an ad popped up, no. It was part of the operating system!

    Can you imagine going back in time 10 years and telling somebody “In the future, Microsoft is going to put pop-up ads in Windows.” People would think you were crazy!

    • Captain Aggravated
      1611 months ago
      1. The phrase “Windows 11 may be the king of operating systems” brings to my mind an image of a malformed non-functional decadent brat, the result of generations of might makes right and cousin fucking, given absolute power by sheer force of habit because it’s utterly incapable of achieving anything under its own merit. Either this one or his son will be so preoccupied with throwing opulent parties that he won’t bother securing the army’s loyalty, then we can overthrow him and ratify a constitution.

      2. 10 years ago was 2013. Windows 8.1 was their then-current product. If you told me they were going to put ads in Tile Hell, I would have 100% believed you and/or asked “Are you sure they don’t already?” I think you have to reach back to the XP era or earlier for users to be actually incredulous that the OS itself would serve commercials.

        111 months ago

        Oh man the amount of hours I put in cleaning out the pre installed garbage on those windows 8 machines

    • Dandroid
      911 months ago

      10 years ago was 2013. Microsoft already had ads baked into Windows in 2013.

    • WashedOver
      711 months ago

      I recall a time when Windows 10 was going to be the last release of windows. It’s was just going to be updated forever. I’m glad that they have returned to the usual every second or so release is going to be a unfinished half baked turd until we can really get things right in the following release.

      RIP Bob, ME, Vista, 8/8.1, and hopefully sooner than later 11…