• @dannoffs
    128 months ago

    Fuck off with the both sides nonsense. Only one side has the power to end the violence and it isn’t the Palestinians.

    • @DragonTypeWyvern@literature.cafe
      8 months ago

      You think that if Israel stopped their colonizing the conflict would be over?

      Hell, Gaza is, apparently, the most radical area and Israel officially dismantled the settlements there a decade ago.

      The Houthis literally call for the destruction of Israel and death of all Jews in their motto, and they’re not even neighbors. There’s a whole two countries between Israel and Yemen.

      Imagine what the people in Palestine feel.

      This shit won’t be over. Humans are very, very bad at forgetting past wrongs, especially when religion is involved, and our worst always see peacemakers as weak, not brave.

      But don’t worry, soon enough the resource wars will start in earnest and the question will get settled one way or another.

      • Dudewitbow
        8 months ago

        Its less about stopping colonization and the only option to end the conflict is Israel leaving the area entirely. If Palestine is eliminated, they are surrounded by countries that dont want Israel there. Israel has no incentive to end conflict as they receive continuous funding as long as there is an opponent. The only way the conflict will ever be resolved is with them leaving.

    • @Telorand@reddthat.com
      08 months ago

      You mean two. Palestine ≠ Hamas, and if Israel stopped today, they’d still have Hamas terrorizing Palestine.