I left Ubuntu when they sent all my dock search history to Amazon. But this time is different, should I leave Fedora considering how much it is developed by Red Hat?

I’ve actively defended this distribution and Red Hat for many years now and I’m deep in their technology but I want to avoid being a Devil’s Advocate.

  • Reminder9754
    12 years ago

    @gortbrown @Raphael In all his of my years in Linux, re installing is a way of life. IMO, it’s f one doesn’t have a backup plan, then they may be doing it wrong. This is my opinion.

    • @gortbrown
      12 years ago

      That’s a good point. I’m usually the same way, especially since I tend to distro-hop a lot, but sometimes I’ll also think about switching, but feel like it isn’t worth even just flashing an installer, installing the system and copying the backup over. In my opinion switching depends on just how much you want to switch, because at a certain point it might not be worth it.