I’m happy with Obsidian for taking my notes but I want to find something I can host myself to track web articles, pdfs, mp3 files that I reference as research. I suppose I’m looking for a replacement for DEVONthink or Zotero.

I have a Synology to run stuff on so solutions that run there are a preference, though not required.

  • drhoopoe
    2 years ago

    For my research (humanities) I self-host linkding to keep track of web stuff and use tmsu to tag all my local files (pdfs, images, etc). I also use zotero for biblatex/word processor integration. I admit it gets a little clunky working across those systems, but the key for me is keeping the tags consistent across all of them. I guess I’d be interested in an all-in-one solution, but I’m years deep into this setup, so I can’t imagine the effort it would take to transfer everything over.