October 14, 2023

Lebanon to file UN complaint over killing of journalist by Israel

Saturday, 14 October 2023 18:54 [ Last Update: Saturday, 14 October 2023 18:59 ]

Lebanon said on Saturday that it will file a complaint with the UN Security Council over “deliberate killing” by Israel of a Reuters journalist, a Lebanese national, state media reported.

Iran Press/ West Asia:  Six other journalists were injured in a village in Lebanon when their position was shelled. Israel Defence Forces say they are investigating the incident.

According to Lebanon’s National News Agency, the Foreign Ministry instructed Lebanon’s permanent mission to the UN to submit a complaint for “deliberate killing” of video journalist Issam Abdullah, who worked for Reuters, and wounding two other journalists working for AFP and Al Jazeera.

The Israeli regime released infrared footage on Friday showing what they say are the strikes on militants attempting to cross the Israel border from Lebanon. It was not clear which group the alleged militants belonged to. 

On Friday, Hezbollah said its fighters fired several rockets at four Israeli positions along the border and the Israeli army said it had attacked Hezbollah targets with drone strikes.

Abdallah was with a group of journalists from other organizations, including Al Jazeera and Agence France-Presse,  when he was killed on Friday while providing a live video signal for broadcasters.

The group was working near the village of Alma al-Shaab, close to the border, where the Israeli military and Hezbollah have been trading fire in border clashes. 

  • @some_guy
    59 months ago

    It would be great if there were reproductions for this. I won’t hold my breath.