This meme is from 2004. History repeats itself.

    • @Acinonyx
      09 months ago

      they’re talking about the last few days of the conflict, you about the last few years

        29 months ago

        “the last few days” is an arbitrary limit for the Palestinians. Little has actually changed for them except intensity. Israel has been genociding these people for decades. Why would THEIR perspective really change cause Hamas blew up a festival?

        • @Acinonyx
          9 months ago

          Why would THEIR perspective really change cause Hamas blew up a festival?

          no one said it would change, and it propably wouldn’t. what does it matter?

          but the perspective of the rest of the world changed dramatically. while israel targeted hamas and accepted civilian losses (during the last days and years) the hamas specifically targeted civilians (during the last days).

          also, the hamas is known to use civilians as human shields, which increases civilian casulties even more.

            29 months ago

            There is a lot of reason to believe Israel is targeting civilians too, or at least not considering them at all. They’ve done it before. They’re leveling entire neighborhoods and apartment buildings, you really think they were all hamas targets?

            • @Acinonyx
              -19 months ago

              Israel is targeting civilians too


              or at least not considering them at all

              yeah I agree

              They’re leveling entire neighborhoods and apartment buildings, you really think they were all hamas targets?

              I don’t know and so do you. I guess we’ll have to wait for unbiased information on that one. also, like I said, hamas is using civilians as human shields. I wouldn’t be surprised if they built their infrastructure in apartment buildings on purpose.

              • @seitanic
                29 months ago

                That’s a classic excuse.

                “You’re bombing civilians!”

                “Oh, those were human shields! See, the enemy hid behind civilians to make us look bad!”

                If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell.

                • @Acinonyx
                  -19 months ago

                  I’ll give you the latest example:

                  Israel told the people in northern gaza to evacuate, obviously because they plan a big military operation there, and hamas told them not to mobe and to stay there

                  hmm, I wonder why they want civilians in a soon to be warzone

    • TooL
      -119 months ago

      Not to argue one side or the other, but that data most definitely does not include this recent attack.

      If the numbers being reported are to be believed, then the number of Israeli fatalities has doubled if not tripled overnight.

        179 months ago

        I am not a fan of Hamas, I just have to ask, wtf are the Palestinians supposed to do, and if you aren’t expecting an animal you’ve backed into a corner to attack, wtf is wrong with you?

        Those statistics are a preamble of why Hamas did this. I’m not at any point saying that it’s a good thing, I’m saying that violence is literally the only tool Palestine has.

        • BaldProphet
          -129 months ago

          Palestine has been given plenty of chances. They just choose to reject any compromise that doesn’t involve the expulsion of the Jews from the Holy Land.

      -389 months ago

      You know that the UN isn’t a reliable source on that topic ? The council for humanitarian affairs is literally full of anti semites.

      And it’s near impossible to differentiate between civilians and terrorist