TJ made a nice video about how to start with neovim and its configuration. I hope that this link is not against the rules since it’s about neovim and not about vim … Personally I find those 2 very very alike and with the features that I need for my daily work, I can use either one of them without noticing any difference.

Enjoy !

  • @rickmalek
    29 months ago

    I’m not sure I’m the right person to ask (my learning path has been pretty unconventional) but really basic lua scripting would have helped me. I’m at the beginner stage where too many things don’t make sense, but I just keep attacking from different angles and now some things are starting to click. It just takes time.

    • @feoh
      29 months ago

      Oh I totally agree. The Lua idioms can be confusing and the documentation ecosystem is currently in a place where if you already know Lua well it’s incredibly helpful, but bridging the gap for beginners is a challenge - one worth embracing!