I hate pubs. I hate bars. All the people, loud music and other overstimulations make my brain go crazy… but most of my friends want to go to bars. Its seems like they are enjoying themselves… any tips to either get better att handeling sutch situations in fututure so i wont be as much of a antisosial outsider?


  • @ab60753OP
    11 year ago

    I am very ware of anything that messes with my mind. But also i dont have a choice… i belice Kava is illegal where i live so unless i decide resort to smuggling och the black market (bit too much of a goodie two shoes for that)…

    But trying to find a place with pool or an arcade sounds like a devent idea.


    • Ratboy
      21 year ago

      Oh yeah if it’s illegal that’s definitely not worth the trouble lol. Also not to be confused with kratom. Hope you can figure out what works for you!