I get that it’s open source provided you use codium not code but I still find that interesting

  • @witx
    79 months ago

    And vscode doesn’t even work properly. The amount of colleagues I have using it for C++ and they can’t even get intellisense working with the f-ing thing. It’s bonkers they work that way. It takes them ages to do anything, and its not a case of them being super experienced and not needing those aides.

    • DarkenLM
      69 months ago

      Playing the devil’s advocate here, even IDEs like Visual Studio and IntelliJ have multiple times crashed on me or taken ages to update a single line on intellisense. C++ is simply a language where a dynamic LSP is everything but easy to make.

      • @witx
        59 months ago

        I have nothing to say about CLion. I have been using it for large codebases, rust and C++, for ages. Even with neovim+LSP I get better results than vscode

        • DarkenLM
          19 months ago

          Well, given the C projects I’ve worked on take hours just to compile, I think I can cut some slack for any IDE for being slow. Though I haven’t used CLion a lot so I can’t really speak from experience about it. Though VSCode is fast enough most of the times, and it usually only gets slower with nested macro fuckery and/or external library headers.