So been moving around a lot with browsers, waterfox, librewolf and very recently degoogle chromium, figured id look at Firefox and holy theres less than half the option in setting then there were afew years back but I gotta say the biggest sin is that adding custom search engine is obfuscated, and the chooses of engines are google, bing, duckduckgo and fucking Amazon! Wtf is that about? But anyway all these search engines are pretty awful including duckduckgo but beyond that the browser scene is a joke, mullvad are about the only company I feel compatible with using now

Edit: instead of saying how easy it is to add custom search engines, I’d like to know why the “add search engine” feature in settings is gone?

  • gregorum
    9 months ago

    Generally speaking, I’ve noticed that, for inexperienced users and beginners, the settings pages/windows/tabs for many web browsers aren’t very… friendly. They’re designed mostly for advanced users and users who are already accustomed to their design/layout.

    The one exception to this would be Safari, which is designed to be far more accessible, but most advanced users dislike using it for this reason (and a few other novel UX decisions).

    • squidOP
      9 months ago

      The obfuscation of default search engine is predatory is more of what I’m getting at

      Also no, setting page is not for advanced users, about:config is

      • @dannoffs
        79 months ago

        I mean Firefox is mostly funded by a deal with Google to have them as the default engine. I don’t like it but I understand why it is the way it is.

        • squidOP
          -29 months ago

          Yep its a sorry state of affairs and ass backwards way to circumvent anti trust laws.

      • gregorum
        9 months ago

        Yeah, I agree with you re: obfuscation of changing the default search engine. That’s crappy.

        I was speaking in a general sense of FF’s and most popular browsers’ settings pages’/panels’ UX design, not trying to impugn your own ability to find the setting. Apologies if it came off that way.