Will this one-by-one system forever be our main thing or do you think we will break monogamy and maybe “team up” as groups or something?

And yeah polygamy is a thing but do you think it will catch on to “the upper class”?

  • @CanadaPlus
    299 months ago

    It appears to be pretty stable through history and prehistory around the world, so it’s probably biological. Occasionally cultures allow limited exceptions but they’re usually one-sided. This lines up with my personal experience, which is that some people are capable of being poly, but most people just aren’t.

      • @CanadaPlus
        9 months ago

        Ah yes, that’s true. It’s pretty common among monogamous birds too.

        As I understand it, they’re still mono because they couldn’t stand it if their partner was doing the same thing.

      • @CanadaPlus
        49 months ago

        Man I have so many hopes for that nation. Big challenges, big potential.

          • @CanadaPlus
            39 months ago

            I should do some reading about EFF. It really does seem like both SA and Zimbabwe chose the wrong strategy to righting colonial inequalities. Something in between, like just a tax on white-owned businesses while they’re disproportionately powerful, could be good.

              • @CanadaPlus
                29 months ago

                That’s exactly what I’ve heard too. Eventually they have to fall; ending apartheid was huge but even the most traditional public won’t remember forever.

            • @original_ish_name@lemm.ee
              19 months ago

              Something in between, like just a tax on white-owned businesses while they’re disproportionately powerful, could be good.

              We’ve had that for thirty years

              Look up on BBBEE

              The EFF are the kinds of politicans that go to the rich and promise them more money, then go to the power and promise to redistrubute the money. In the end they are the only ones getting money

              • @CanadaPlus
                19 months ago

                Am I reading this wrong, or is it more about preferential access to procurement deals than a straight-up transfer of wealth? I mean, that’s good too, but obviously it hasn’t made much of a dent in the inequality.

                The EFF are the kinds of politicans that go to the rich and promise them more money, then go to the power and promise to redistrubute the money. In the end they are the only ones getting money

                Yeah, corruption is definitely still a thing. In other democracies it gradually gets worked out over the decades. Once there’s more than one party in play in SA I have no reason to think it won’t work the same way.

                • @original_ish_name@lemm.ee
                  19 months ago

                  Retransfer of wealth is how we end up with 1 trillion dollars being written on a bill


                  The correct country-code is ZA (Zuid-Afrika), Saudi Arabia has SA

                  • @CanadaPlus
                    19 months ago

                    I’m pretty sure I explicitly addressed Zimbabwe in OP. Leaving white people alone to hoard our looted colonial treasures is not a valid option.

    • @novibe@lemmy.ml
      59 months ago

      That’s… not true? Monogamy was not the primary form of bonding through humanity’s history. It actually is only recently a global phenomenon, mostly due to European colonialism and the spread of Christianity.

      You really need to show some data or sources to backup such a claim tbh. It contradicts most of anthropology of bonding and relationships.

      • @CanadaPlus
        9 months ago

        Well, here’s the Wikipedia. To be clear, I’m counting a society where elite men might have multiple wives as still monogamous, since that’s not representative of an average member of the population and the wives themselves are still bound to a single partner. Maybe that’s a terminology error but for the sake of this question I think it’s clearest.

        And yeah, as someone pointed out there’s an amount of infidelity in every human society, but it’s generally neither endorsed by the legitimate partner or society at large, at least not as an actual relationship.

        • @novibe@lemmy.ml
          9 months ago

          The wiki says out of ~1200 societies studied only ~180 were monogamous. And that 16% of the monogamous were not strictly monogamous. I don’t know why the wiki would help your case.

          • @CanadaPlus
            9 months ago

            If you didn’t read the rest of the paragraph, you should. It was comparing against variants of polygamy, plus 2 cultures that had polyandry, which I discussed elsewhere. Western-style polyamory didn’t even make the rankings. I can only think of one other culture (the Mosuo) that might count.

            Like I said, it might be an abuse of terminology to call this all monogamy, but natural language is inherently imprecise and this isn’t an academic audience that can digest heavy jargon.

      • @DogMuffins@discuss.tchncs.de
        19 months ago

        You’re right, but is it noteworthy that societies with monogamy ultimately outcome teddit.hm others?

        Not saying it’s “better” just now successful in an expansionist kind of way.