Please make sure you have “undetermined” selected in your list of spoken languages in your lemmy settings in addition to any other languages you speak.

Most lemmy content does not come through with a language tag, and you need to have undermined selected as an option to see that content.

  • @sixfold
    111 months ago

    I couldn’t find this post unless I searched for the specific URL, and on top of that, I can’t see most of the comments, and it looks like it only has 16 upvotes, even though I know it has like 87. There are many posts that aren’t federating properly.

    • AdaOPM
      311 months ago

      This one wouldn’t federate to you properly. It’s a group specifically for members of Blåhaj Lemmy, so you’re very possibly the first person on your instance too try and find it.

      As such, votes and replies won’t be correctly visible, because they don’t backdate completely

      • @sixfold
        110 months ago

        Also, could you describe the current behavior as you understand it? When do posts/comments get federated? Like, what triggers it and how many/how far back in time will posts be shared? Is it a bandwidth or harddrive space compromise? Thanks in advance.

        • AdaOPM
          210 months ago

          So, posts get federated when someone is subscribed to the group in question, but not before then. If you’re the first person on your instance to subscribe to a group, then you won’t see content from before then. It’s designed that way, because sending the entire community history every time a new instance pops up isn’t sustainable.

          • @sixfold
            110 months ago

            So, new or newer instances will not be able to view old posts and comments from established instances? Wouldn’t this behavior discourage new instances from forming as the bedrock of content grows? This behavior suggests I should make my account on the oldest and largest instance I can find, rather than branch out to smaller, newer instances. Is that what you would recommend to new users?

            • AdaOPM
              210 months ago

              So, new or newer instances will not be able to view old posts and comments from established instances?

              They can, they just have to search for it manually. So if you see content on a group that your instance isn’t aware of for some reason, if you copy and paste the URL in to the search box of your instance, it will pull the post across for you to interact with.

              Wouldn’t this behavior discourage new instances from forming as the bedrock of content grows?

              Not really. Aside from the fact that things like mailing lists remain useful even without easy access to their archived content, there are a few mitigating factors as well

              Firstly, as I mentioned above, you can manually pull content across.

              Secondly, if someone who can see the old thread replies to it, then that will force it to federate to your instance, as long as someone on your instance is subscribed to the group.

      • @sixfold
        110 months ago

        Is this desired behavior, or a edge case functionality that will be patched in the future? Do you know the intent of the devs on this point?

    • @sixfold
      111 months ago

      And it’s not limited to this community. I’ve seen issues with many other instances.