Some services are slowly developing post quantum resistant protocols for their services like Signal or Tutanota. When will this be a thing for the web?

  • @CanadaPlus
    9 months ago

    So how does it work? I guess they exchange keys both ways and then hash them together?

    Honestly lattice encryption has been vetted for three decades now. We still can’t say for sure P is not NP, but I’m far more worried about someone getting a quantum computer early than a sudden breakthrough on breaking either kind of algorithm.

      • @CanadaPlus
        9 months ago

        Huh. I guess whatever algorithm comes next is resistant to half of the secret being compromised, then.

        Edit: It looks like they concatenate things from the two algorithms a few times in the process, so maybe they figure it would be difficult to isolate a vulnerability assuming either one is strong.