• This mouse was released when Apple favored a clean design over everything else. While i don’t agree with that decision, it lasts for days with just a couple of minutes of charging. Getting people to buy it twice just for that reason had nothing to do with it, who in their right mind would do that?

    • @Donebrach@lemmy.world
      39 months ago

      I can tell you as someone who is forced to work professionally on a Mac this is by far the stupidest design choice the company has ever made. It’s a lightning port, could easily be fit into the front of the mouse with a basic alteration to the body. I have a backup mouse for when my mouse dies in the middle of working and I don’t wanna stop and wait 20 mins to charge the damn mouse. I also have a wired dell mouse but it only supports up-down scrolling so I prefer to just have two magic mice.

      • Totally agree, I guess the horizontal scrolling is its only redeeming quality. I did not now it was a lightning connector, that makes it even worse. If I remember correctly you can thank Johnny Ive for this shit.