| Elon Musk | The Guardian

Company is seeking people with paralysis to test its experimental device after getting green light from independent review board

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    119 months ago

    Before it’s posted here, no, fuck you in advance, this shit is not “objectively” going to improve humans as a species with a few rough patches on the way there or some bazinga take like that. Fuck you.

    • forcequit [she/her]
      99 months ago

      Neuralink says it is looking for patients with quadriplegia due to vertical spinal cord injury or ALS. Participants will have a BCI surgically implanted using a proprietary robot in a region of the brain that controls movement, with the goal of enabling them to control a computer cursor or a keyboard using just their thoughts. The study will evaluate the safety and functionality of the technology, according to a statement.

      We tied your motor cortex to this GUI, can you feel the freedom yet?

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        29 months ago

        It’s happened before, and recently.

        The now-banned user said what I said above, that sure it’s bad and all, but that (some selfish and fantastical imaginary version of) leftism would actually benefit from the first waves of volunteers dying so the technology can ostensibly be perfected and made “to serve the people.” It was their terms, not mine, to describe it as “improving humans as a species” “with a few rough patches on the way there.”

        In short, the Mengele benefits will trickle down, someday. Because leftism.