Sept 18 (Reuters) - A group of 18 state attorneys general said on Monday they backed Montana’s effort to ban Chinese-owned short video app TikTok, urging a U.S. judge to reject legal challenges ahead of the Jan. 1 effective date.

    31 year ago

    I couldn’t find the full list of state attorney generals who did this, but here’s a partial one. Write your reps if you think the government has no business telling you how and with what apps you are free to speak. Georgia, Alaska, Utah, Indiana, Nebraska, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky and South Dakota

    • Cyclohexane
      11 year ago

      write your reps

      Not useful. And I doubt they are ignorant of our existence.

        -11 year ago

        They do actually care about getting re-elected. The more they hear from constituents about issue A, the more likely they are to vote some way on issue A. Do they ignore many of their constituents concerns? Of course. But if we never make them heard, they will certainly be ignored. It’s an imperfect system but apathy is an even worse one.

        • Cyclohexane
          1 year ago

          They’re more likely to get re-elected by pleasing the ruling class than your average Joe. It’s what got them there in the first place.

          If you want to make real change, threaten the ruling class directly. Cut out the middleman.

            1 year ago

            The ruling class can ask for whatever they want. Votes, and the money to buy enough advertising to get them votes, are what actually get them into office. Those are levers of power everyday people can control if they don’t let apathy or defeatism win.

            • Cyclohexane
              31 year ago

              You live in the country with the most resilient system serving ruling class interests. There’s so many levels to keep you occupied trying to penetrate, but you will never win this game if you play it like that.

              It is quite rare for an election as major as a senator’s not be won by someone backed by money interests. Even their opponents are usually backed by interests. The mere prospect of running requires funds that most people don’t qualify for. Just check the wealth of the poorest senator.

              But even if you manage to penetrate this, you’ve only won one seat. Is that enough to make meaningful change? I’m yet to see that in action.

              But even if your party of choice wins the Senate. If you’re anything older than a teen, you’ll remember the “ahh, darn! We only have the house but not the Senate!”. But when you win both, “ahh, we have Congress but not the president! This maniac just throws executive orders left and right! We’re so powerless”. But then you win the presidency and suddenly we all forgot about executive orders. Oh wait, you forgot about the supreme court! Guys we just have to wait until they die. Don’t worry, it’ll happen any minute now. Oh no don’t die during trump! Should’ve died during Obama. Oh wait one of them did. Wait what?

              Yeah if you want meaningful change, this ain’t it.

                -31 year ago

                If only the Dems had a Super Majority in both houses, plus the President, Plus the Parlimentarian, then they would certainly stop being Capitalist and supporting their class-allies.