If you found the companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 to be a little too horny, well, it turns out that was due to a bug.

Relationships are a big part of the game’s appeal, but there’s no denying that companions come on a little too strong right from the off.

Speaking to TheGamer, game director Swen Vincke admitted that romances were bugged at the game’s launch and have since been tweaked.

  • @Chev@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    I never went to camp when they invited me to the party and the next time I saw everybody was in act 2. Did I miss a lot?

    • Madbrad200
      21 year ago

      Kind of sorta not really?

      It’s a fun wrap-up to act 1 before you dive into the underdark or the mountain pass. It also serves as an important relationship set-up - it’s where you’re meant to establish who you want to romance, if anyone.

      But it’s probably not required so