I encountered this blog post on mastodon and I’m wondering what would people’s thoughts be on this. It has some strong arguments in favor of SAI.

  • queermunist she/her
    710 months ago

    Climate engineering solutions have the problem of being inherently international. One country can’t just start injecting aerosols into the stratosphere without every other country on Earth freaking out. It’d require a level of international cooperation that just doesn’t exist.

    • Pons_Aelius
      410 months ago

      One country can’t just start injecting aerosols into the stratosphere without every other country on Earth freaking out.

      Are you sure about that?

      That is what climate change is. Nations pumping what ever amount of co2 into the atmosphere while the rest of the world does nothing.

      • queermunist she/her
        010 months ago

        I’m sure that it would cause international tensions and lots of saber rattling. Maybe it’d amount to nothing, but if China started doing this in the next few years you know the US would freak the fuck out.