Hello archers! I learned the very basics of archery in my early youth on a very basic fiberglass youth bow. While still very young, I picked up a second hand compound bow.

Somewhere along the lines, life got in the way, and I dropped the sport. In my middle years, I am trying to pick up the sport again. I see posts here about Olympic Recurve and Barebow shooting.

I know that I can simply google or YouTube a quick answer, but I wanted to start a discussion here about the differences between bows and their uses.

For instance, I inherited my stepfather’s wooden recurve hunting bow. I have always known that “style” to be a recurve. What makes an Olympic recurve bow different?

  • SquiffSquiff
    1 year ago

    Modern recurve has a stiff riser, r.g. aluminium, and detachable limbs. You can actually use the same basic bow for Barebow and Olympic recurve.