• gun/linux
    31 year ago

    there are 2 countries in the world that use Fahrenheit I know off the top of my head.

    • USA
    • Liberia (Used to be USA colony. Slaves were sent there after they were freed after the civil war)

    More than 1 country in the world is retarded

    • thehatfox
      31 year ago

      Some older people in the UK still prefer Fahrenheit, Celsius is still the official/default unit however.

      A politician here recently tried to promote returning the UK to Imperial units, it has gone nowhere so far.

      • Sarsaparilla
        31 year ago

        Yes, because the suggestion made everyone laugh hysterically, even here in Australia lol.

        • unsophisticated
          -51 year ago

          It does seem superior for the weather and cooking.

          Having the weather between 50-100 instead of 10-40 kind of makes sense.

          And for the cooking, having the steak temperature at 130-135 or 135-145 is clearer than 54-57 or 57-63.

          Not that I’d think it would make sense to change, but it just seems plain stupid how we like to pretend the imperial system would be inferior and stupid.

          • BarqsHasBite
            11 year ago

            Oh yeah that’s why it freezes at a random 32 degrees. I generally live between -30 C and +30 C.