For me, it’s hands down Flameshot. The best screenshot tool in the world - I’ve got it hooked up to my PrtScrn key for super easy screenshots.

I also love Kwrite as a Notepad++ alternative, and KolourPaint as a MSPaint alternative

  • @themarty27
    911 months ago

    Cinnamon is hands down my favourite DE. I always see people talking about GNOME and KDE, to me Cinnamon is the best of both worlds. Strongly recommend it with the Orchis GTK theme, which is made for GNOME but works fine on Cinnamon.

    My favourite graphical app in the more traditional sense is Firefox. If CLI apps are allowed, I’m a big fan of GNU Nano, a CLI-based minimalistic editor, basically Emacs Lite.

      • @themarty27
        11 months ago

        I’ll definitely give it a try, thanks! I tend to categorise all CLI editors in my head as either Emacs-like or Vim-like, based mostly on keyboard shortcuts. Nano’s shortcuts look more like Emacs than like Vim, so, Emacs Lite.