Some choice comments:

It’s only logical to put those people who can’t control themselves in an institution or jail.

“Real capitalism has never been tried”:

Capitalism is okay, aggressive colonial plutocracy isn’t.

On rehabilitation being better than punishment:

I doesn’t feel right.

Casual sinophobia:

Lol, Chinese people don’t even help other Chinese people when they’re hurt/injured.

Arm robots? Sounds like a great idea!

A lady ridding a robot. They should be able to eletroshock anyone trying to harass them

Empathy? What is that?:

I feel bad for these people. 😔


“Design effort” > human lives

There should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years for anyone who vandalizes these robots. There’s a great deal of design effort that goes into achieving compliance with existing regulations and society in order to make sure it behaves appropriately. People vandalizing them is no different than vandalizing other public infrastructure and should be punished accordingly.

Lifetime imprisonment for stealing food:

Lock the people up and throw away the key. Far too many people fetishize mental disorders and use that as an excuse for bad actions. I firmly believe the amount of people you think have mental illnesses are actually pretty low, and these people here are just using that as an excuse to cause disorder and chaos.

Eugenics enjoyer:

Personally, I think the death punishment or at the very minimum sterilization should be handed out to people that commit such crimes so that they can’t pass on their lowlife genes. Give me a single reason why the existence of the disgusting old skank riding the robot in the video or the man kicking over the robot at the beginning somehow contributes to humanity and why people like them should have the liberty of having children.

This is another issue of UBI in my opinion as well. Our current job market is a gene-filtering system of sorts, where the more intelligent, hardworking, and cooperative you are, the more likely you are to earn more money, giving you the option to have children. What happens when you give even the dregs of society like those in the video who contribute nothing the resources to have kids? Lower intelligence is already positively correlated with fertility. If you completely remove the bottleneck of finances by implementing UBI, its pretty easy to guess what is to come.

There’s soup kitchens, social markets, etc. etc. Doubt anyone in America or the EU literally has to steal or starve.


so are we ignoring the fact it’s the basketball americans

There are some comments that are more reasonable to be fair.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    811 months ago

    We’re finally getting to the point where robotics isn’t just a pipe dream or plot device and our society is so broken that we can only react to it with malice, greed, and fear.

    Can you blame people when the robotics are by and large being used maliciously, greedily, and in ways that strike fear (such as those heckin robot police doggos with increasingly closer to lethal weapons)?

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      211 months ago

      I can’t blame people for fearing and hating robotics, but I can and do blame society for making people fear and hate robots.