“If the election is a referendum on Joe Biden’s policies and the failures that we’ve seen and we are presenting a positive vision for the future, we will win the presidency and we will have a chance to turn the country around,” DeSantis said.

When has DeSantis presented anything positive? This culture-war asshat does nothing but send negativity in speeches and policy. Oh well…

  • ForestOrca
    41 year ago

    Personally I get a little bit annoyed when I ask a question but the other person doesn’t actually answer the question. Of course I’m not a professional interviewer, interviewing a candidate for the effing Presidency of the effing USA. Thank you Mr. Burns for your persistence.

    “But respectfully, you did not clearly answer that question,” Burns said. “And if you can’t give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on whether or not he lost —”

    “No, of course he lost,” DeSantis said, adding, “Joe Biden’s the president.”


    And at a campaign stop in Iowa on Friday, DeSantis also strongly dismissed theories that the election was stolen, saying they “did not prove to be true.” (https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/desantis-says-election-fraud-theories-promoted-trump-not-prove-true-rcna98221)


    “They embraced lockdowns. They did the CARES Act, which funded mail-in ballots across the country.”

    Florida has long allowed anyone who wants to vote by mail to do so, including in the 2020 election. (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/democrats-scramble-reach-voters-florida-cancels-mail-ballot-requests-rcna91294)

    “If, on the other hand, the election is not about Jan. 20, 2025, but Jan. 6, 2021, or what CLASSIFIED document(s) was were left by the toilet at Mar-a-Lago, if it’s a referendum on that, we are going to lose.”

    We as a country must assure that the GOP does not win, in fact, ever again.

    • @TheMage@lemmy.ml
      -81 year ago

      We must assure that the hyper progressive democrats don’t take over so the whole country doesn’t end up like California. That’s the real scare here. Sorry but not everyone is buying what democrats are selling. People are feeling high tax, blue states for a reason. Those are the facts.

      • ForestOrca
        21 year ago

        You can assert something as a fact without it actually being a fact. Would you care to cite some sort of source, to support your assertion? Who are you referring to when you say “We must assure…”?

        As an example: Yes, Texans actually pay more in taxes than Californians do - https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texans-pay-more-taxes-than-californians-17400644.php

        "ITEP also ranked Texas as the second-most regressive tax state, behind Washington State, due to low-income taxpayers bearing a disproportionate share of the tax burden, according to the nonprofit. In contrast, California was ranked the most progressive tax state because residents in higher tax brackets predominantly pay higher tax rates. "

        But really we’ve gone a bit far afield, haven’t we? The original post was about this quote, “No, of course he lost,” DeSantis said, adding, “Joe Biden’s the president.” Wouldn’t you rather talk about this? Or is distraction your best method of debate?

        • @TheMage@lemmy.ml
          -41 year ago

          First off - that Texas. There are numerous states with way lower tax bills than Taxifornia. Secondly, I was replying to the comment that we ought to “make sure no more Republicans win any elections” or whatever it was. While Repugs have their own issues, the stuff coming out of democrats pie-holes these days is scary. But, we’re off track. Fine.